Family Hub

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The importance of family tree

Family trees, also known as genealogies or pedigrees, are important for several reasons

Preserving family history

Family trees provide a way to record and preserve family history, allowing future generations to learn about their ancestors and the stories that have been passed down through the family.

Understanding identity and heritage

Family trees help individuals understand their identity and heritage by providing information about their family's cultural, ethnic, and geographical origins. This can help individuals connect with their roots and feel a sense of belonging.

Establishing family connections

Family trees help individuals establish connections with living relatives they may not have known or been aware of allowing them to build relationships and maintain family ties.

Tracing medical history

Family trees can be used to trace medical history and identify genetic conditions that run in the family. This information can be important for making informed healthcare decisions and managing potential health risks.

Researching history

Family trees can also be used to research historical events and movements, as well as to trace the movements of ancestors over time and across different regions.

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Female family tree

Traditionally, genealogies have often only recorded information about male family members, and this is largely due to historical cultural norms that placed greater value and importance on male lineage.

This practice of recording only male lineage has persisted to some extent, even in modern times. However, in recent years, there has been increasing recognition of the importance of recording the contributions and lineage of female family members as well. There has also been a growing awareness of the need to capture the diverse family structures and relationships that exist in modern society.

As such, many genealogies now include information about both male and female family members, as well as non-traditional family structures such as adopted children, step-children, and same-sex partners. This more inclusive approach helps to provide a more accurate and comprehensive picture of a family's history and lineage.

Software vs Excel recording family tree

Both software and Excel can be used for recording family tree information, but there are some key differences between the two

Data structure

Family tree software typically has a specific family tree structure and data format, which can better organise and display the relationships and information of family members. Excel, on the other hand, requires manually creating tables and structures, requiring more time and effort to manage data.


Family tree software typically has more functionality, such as automatically generating family tree charts, statistics on family population and geographic distribution, searching, backup, and sharing. Excel, on the other hand, is relatively simple, with more basic functions that may require more manual handling.

Who can use this software?

Only those who are invited can register for an account. All existing software users can send invitation links to new relative users.

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Who created this software?

Marvin Foong created this software

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Can I buy this software to start my own independent family tree?

Can discuss.

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